President’s Message – Jan 2017

Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit. Happy New Year to the membership, their families and friends. May this year be the one that greets us all with health and happiness. 

To begin, I would again like to thank Howie for taking the division through a very difficult time over years of his presidency. It would have been easier to sink to a lower level to deal with the problems. But Howie dealt with it with style and diplomacy. I am sure I will be bothering him for some help over the next few years. Except I know the meetings are on the 2nd THURSDAYS!!

We had a great 2016 now let’s see if we can top it in 2017… Hopefully we will see a few more stellar days at the club with family and friends to keep the place that we all enjoy up and open.

What better way to start the year of than with the Ancient Order of Hibernian sponsored Polar Plunge held on this Sunday (January 8th ). This is the event where between 100 and up to 1,000+ brave souls will be jumping in the ocean in support of Catholic education. We will all need to help Jim out with security, parking, raffles and shirt selling. The details are listed below.

The new officers will be sworn in at our next meeting(next Thursday, the 12 th ) by Larry Prelle and Derek Kirby from the state board. All past and new officers should be in attendance for the ceremony.

The notifications have been sent to the award winners of 2016, which consisted of a well-deserved bunch of brothers that have done a lot for the good of the order and our division. These awards will be handed out at our annual dinner dance on February 4th. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there that night to celebrate the great accomplishments that we have achieved in 2016. The 
ad journal was sent out and details will be listed below, so please try take or get an ad placed in the book as it helps defray the costs of the dance.

Another upcoming event at the club is Super Bowl Sunday which will be held on February 5th at the club. This should be another spectacular day with plenty of food and cheer for all to enjoy. No matter who the teams are the club will be hopping. So please feel free to bring your family and friends out to enjoy.

Declan Cassidy